Cancellation and Refund Policy (WordBinary)

Dear customers, kindly go through the revision, cancellations and refund policy of WordBinary in detail before opting for any service. Our revision, cancellations and refund policy is common for every customer no matter what is their gender, age and geographical l̥ocation. You and this platform (WordBinary) agree to be bound by the terms of this policy.

Personalized Service and Customized Solutions

  • Our marketing team start working on the project after you made the payment, so if you opt for cancellation after 24 hours of booking then there will be no refund issued from our side. You are eligible for a refund only if you cancel the order within 24 hours of booking.
  • If you cancel your order then you are eligible for 80% of the paid amount and the rest 20% will be deducted as a service charge.

Policy for SOP/CV/Cover letter and other content-related services

  • If you have booked an order for SOP/CV/resume writing or any content-related work and cancel it before 24 hours then you are eligible for a refund. If you opt for cancellation after 1 day i.e. 24 hours from the booking date then there will be no refund for the service.
  • If you are not satisfied with the work delivered by us then we will redraft the file as per your comments till you are satisfied. Kindly note that all your comments/feedback should be in a line with the initial requirements shared by you. We will not entertain any additional files as revision work.
  • In cases, where the document requirements are not clear to the professional writer who is supposed to work on your document then the professional writer will raise a query. If there is no revert from your side within 24 hours from the time of the query raised then the professional writer will proceed further according to his/her better understanding. No revision/refund will be initiated in cases like these.
  • If the professional writer misses the deadline then you are completely eligible for a full refund. It should be noted that in the case where you took more than 24 hours to revert to the query raised by our professional writers then 24 hours will be further added to the deadline as it is not our fault that you did not provide complete details.

Policy for All Courses

  • If you opt for cancellation after the class has begun, then no refund will be issued.
  • You are eligible for a refund only if you cancel your course before the class has begun.
  • 80% of the paid amount will be refunded if you opt for the cancellation.
  • If we fail to provide you with a job after the completion of the course, then you are eligible for 30% of the paid amount. (applicable for Full Digital Marketing Course only)
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